2017 Camp Evidence
CX Files
2017 CX students produced 12 files and over 2,000 pages of evidence at the Beehive Forensics Institute. A few are here for you to sample and use, the others are exclusively for BFI participants. Join us next year and get the best start to your season for your money.
- STEM Affirmative
- Educational Ruralism Affirmative
- Ban Homework Affirmative
- Elementary Second Language Affirmative
- Federalism Disad
- Spending Disad
- Regulations Trade-Off Disad
- Federal Regulations Bad Counter Plan
- Topicality and Procedural Core
- Dept of Education Good/Bad Core
- Impact Core
LD Files
At the 2017 BFI, campers and staff assembled files for all 10 topics on the 2017-2018 NFL LD Topic Ballot. You can check them out below. In addition, campers receive exclusive evidence and updates from the BFI.
2017-2018 Topic Areas
- Resolved: A democracy ought to require the separation of church and state.
- Resolved: In the United States, non-human animals ought to have legally protected rights.
- Resolved: In the United States, reporters ought to have the right to protect the identity of confidential sources.
- Resolved: In the United States, workers ought to have a civil right to unionize.
Resolved: Plea bargaining ought to be abolished in the United States criminal justice system.
Resolved: Privileged individuals ought not appropriate the culture of a marginalized group.
Resolved: The non-therapeutic use of human enhancement technologies is immoral.
Resolved: The United States ought to provide a universal basic income.
Resolved: The United States’ use of targeted killing in foreign countries is unjust.
- Resolved: Wealthy nations have an obligation to provide development assistance to other nations.